Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Journey to Health - The Daniel Plan

Our Precious Ladies:

I am challenging myself and our RTCA ladies to go on a journey together to build a healthier temple by what we eat and how we care for our mind, body and spirit. Hopefully this is something we can do together via e-mail communication and encourage each other by doing it together.  The main focus is not on losing weight but on being healthy but if we lose weight as a result of eating healthy that’s fine.

Let me begin with some thoughts on this subject to encourage our mind to be in agreement with this challenge. Our physical health influences our mental, spiritual, emotional, relational and even our financial health. When we are physically healthy, that gives us the energy and alertness to make other changes in our life.

I Cor. 6:12-20 says to honor God with our bodies because it belongs to God and is His living temple. Jesus showed us how valuable we are to him with arms outstretched which said I love you this much and I'd rather die than live without you because you're priceless to me. Since we’re that valuable to Him, God wants us to take good care of our body, the temple where His Spirit lives.

In horse terms, if we bought a million dollar race horse, we would feed it the healthiest food available and let it get plenty of good rest and sleep and the best care possible to protect our investment.  The fact is Jesus made an investment in us and paid for us with His very life and wants us to take care of His investment. We abuse and vandalize God's investment when we deprive ourselves of rest and sleep, eat unhealthy food, allow too much stress on our bodies and neglect God's temple.  We aren't the owner of our body, we're the caretaker the steward of it. We can be good stewards of the temple God gave us by putting our trust in God's power to help us make changes…….not by our willpower.

Go online to to look at the Daniel Plan book you can order which we’ll be using. Click the X on the box if you don’t want to give your e-mail. Then before you click on the “store” link, scroll to the bottom of the page and watch the 3 video interviews explaining the plan on national TV and see God using this plan to also get His gospel message out  (He’s clever). There is also a journal to record your journey and other things you can order, but I’m only using the Daniel Plan book. I encourage you to pray about this and ask for God’s power to be able to change unhealthy habits to healthy ones. After reading the information on this plan and praying whether you want to join us and order the book online or not. I hope you let me know you want to accept my challenge.  

I want to start this study on October 1st which lasts 6 weeks and can repeat it. When we start on October 1st , we can all start to encourage each other and communicate by e-mail for our accountability. You may e-mail or call me if any questions.  

Sincerely love you and blessed by you all,
Diana Elam
Representative for Women’s Ministry

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